Pinoy gay movies full length hunks

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This is one of his most challenging roles when he needed to portray a full-drag in the movie “Bromance: My Brother’s Romance”. Zanjoe, one of the country’s certified hunks have proven he can act, not just a man but a gay man in a comedy movie. One of the best and funniest segments of Nuts Entertainment called “Balakubak” hosted by the comedians Janno Gibbs, Joey de Leon, Anjo Yllana, Pekto and John Feir, where they portray as showbiz hosts who grill their guests every episode on hilarious questions.ĥ. Comedians in full drag powerhouse in Nuts Entertainment. He played a gay parent of 6 years old in a Maalaala Mo Kaya episode, showing his versatility in dramatic roles, but this time in drag. A man as flawless as Arjo Atayde, he can definitely pull-off a mestiza gay role. Remember when he portrayed a role of a trans Filipina during the World War II? Her beauty and charm have caught the eye of a Japanese general that led to the fall of his battalion. Dennis Trillo in Aishite Imasu as Ignacio “Inya” Basya. Dolphy is one incomparable actor who has proven his name for the entertainment industry.Ģ. This might be just one of the late comedian’s gay roles under his belt but he definitely has been a legend for gay roles for a very long generation since the years of the “Bodabil”.

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